As of approximately 8pm, Saturday 6th April 2013, a block of Leadhills residents have been without broadband; the same block that went without for a time last year.
The last block outage was eventually traced to a line card at the Leadhills exchange. It seems likely that a similar fault has occurred, the symptoms being very similar. But are we ableĀ to convince BT that there is a problem, are they going to fix it without still further jumping through hoops? It seems not.
As a group, we are keen to take this matter further. We currently number twelve confirmed users affected by the same outage (affecting four ISPs); there are no doubt more.
We are keen to hear from anyone else affected, particularly as there is now the possibility that some users affected by the last outage, were charged by BT for the repair of BT equipment – in breach of contract and fraudulently (this serious allegation has yet to be fully supported with documentary evidence).
Please contact Mike on 74428. I’ll need your name, phone number and the name of your ISP.