Email received regarding the Surgery takeover.

Good afternoon,

Sincere apologies are extended for any confusion resulting from an email issued yesterday which was incomplete, and contained an error in its reference to existing arrangements for GP provision in Leadhills, Lockerbie and Moffat.

Please find here details on theĀ three in-person meetings which have now been scheduled, providing an opportunity to meet the new team which will be responsible for the delivery of GP services out of these three locations as of April 1.

The meetings will take place as follows:

  • at 6.30 pm on Monday 28 March in Moffat Academy School Hall
  • at 8.15 pm on Monday 28 March in Leadhills Hall
  • at 6.30 pm on Tuesday 29 March in Lockerbie Academy School Hall.

Please note the times set here are the final arrangements for these meetings.

All meetings will be held with COVID-compliant spacing. We are asking people who would like to attend to register first – stating which event they wish to attend. These meetings will be advertised publicly, and we would invite you to help promote this opportunity.

Anyone who has already been in contact following receipt of yesterday’s email requesting attendance is already registered. They do not need to get in touch again, unless to change their preference.

For anyone yet to register, please let us know which meeting you want to attend and the numbers you are looking to register.You can let us know:

  • By email: please email
  • By telephone: please call the DGRI switchboard 01387 246246 and ask for the communications team.

If you have any questions about the meetings, please let us know at the addresses above.

Best regards

For people living in Clydesdale …Our Connecting Clydesdale project aims to help vulnerable people who cannot afford the internet to get online. If you know someone who is over 70, or someone who suffers from a chronic health condition or someone who is in the Shielding Group please get in touch and we will check their eligibility.

We have iPads, Chromebooks and mobile internet to give away and we will support them to get online.. #getconnected #connectingscotland … please let people know.

Thank you, Anne from Forth Community Resource Centre Tel 01555 811002 weekdays from 10am to 2pm

By now, most folks in the Lowther villages will know of the proposed changes to surgery provision in our locality. These proposals will certainly be disappointing to many, not least of all, because there has been no apparent consultation with the people who depend on these surgeries; despite there being assurances from Dr Sharkey that consultation would happen.

To raise but a few issues. Patients dependent on long-term medication, diabetics, hypertensives, for example, are to be faced with a narrow window in which to collect regular medication, that happens to fall within common working times; do we have to take time of work every couple of months to collect medication? What happens if our medication runs low or is lost or damaged; is a wait of up to four days to replenish supplies a viable option?

Add to that the extended travel demands, say from Crawford, should a patient have to return to collect medication that may be out of or low in stock; around twenty six miles, in two trips, within a narrow time window that clashes with common working hours.

Do the proposed arrangements meet the service level requirements agreed between Dumfries and Galloway NHS and Lanarkshire NHS? Do the proposed changes meet minimum prescribed service levels?

These and many more are questions we need to press during what appears to be a seriously belated and insincere “consultation”. If you are not familiar with the proposed changes, here are the details along with the date and times of information sessions.


Click to Enlarge

If you are unable to make any of the information sessions, you might want to ask a friend to convey your concerns or you can contact the Practice Manager, Jill Glendinning on 01683 220062.

Leadhills Community Company (the Buyout Group) meets tomorrow (17th Jan) for its annual general meeting. All welcome.


Leadhills Community Council Annual General Meeting will take place Tuesday 19th, at the village hall. Details here

As I understand it, this will be an opportunity to see the new Community Council line-up. See yer there.

I know I don’t do as much on this site as I should, it’s often hard to find the time or to disregard other distractions; but that’s me. We manage, tidy up every now and then, find and sort out dead links and such like. Maybe even write some new stuff. Main thing is, this site provides information for locals and visitors alike – more would be good, but as things stand, it’s doing what we set out to do. All is cool(ish).

So what’s with these folks from web developers to copy writers to search engine optimizers, who keep dropping messages in my Inbox, saying how they’re going to make this site into some kind of marketing super-highway?

To these people I say, “Forget it. This is a community site, not a commercial web presence, please stop wasting my time and yours; my bandwidth and yours.”

Thank you and goodnight.

Abington Road closure 12th May for up to 7 days:

Closed from Crawfordjohn road to Lettershaw’s farm, so if you’re heading North of Abington, going via Crawfordjohn may be shortest option.

According the the workman I spoke to, Crawfordjohn road should remain accessible for the duration…..

A wee extract from the scheduled works of South Lanarkshire Council has come to light under Road Closures.


Ramsay Road (full length) will be closed from 8.00 am on Monday 20 January 2014 for up to 6 weeks for footway and carriageway road improvements.

Anyone with further info, feel free to let the rest of us know.