Leadhills is a diverse community with many active groups dealing with a wide range of interests; though they don’t always pull in the same direction. The main difficulty is that these are “core” groups made up of a minority core of the village. Most would agree that wider involvement would benefit us all and would probably result in better communication and understanding between groups; and a stronger community.
The village has a primary school which over recent years has enjoyed something of a revival with an increasing roll. There has been a recent surge in the school’s involvement with the community, a development that is welcome and which should be sustained; the more who get involved, the better. Secondary education is provided through the High School at Biggar, a trek undertaken using school buses.
Health care is provided though a dedicated surgery owned and operated by Moffat Doctors. There are three surgeries per week; no appointment necessary.
Law enforcement is courtesy of Strathclyde Police, Q Division. The village is not without occasional problems, notably invasion by sheep and periodic outbreaks of vandalism. Neither issue is easily “detected” and resolved hence, many in our community try to find preventative solutions. The latest effort, a shelter funded and built by the village for its younger residents, has been systematically vandalised since its completion. Ironically, the Police suggested this facility and have now advised its removal – watch this space….
The Village Church, part of the Church of Scotland has a modest yet committed congregation. Concern has risen over recent years that a gradually dwindling congregation might lead the the closure of the church. The bottom line is that the church is struggling to recruit younger members into the congregation. I won’t comment on this as I am a committed atheist – committed several times as it happens.
Needless to say, Leadhills and the surrounding communities are represented at all levels of Government. Our Local authority is South Lanarkshire County Council. Polling for local and national elections takes place in the village hall.