After all the hassles surrounding the poor Vodafone signal, way back July, August last year; we now have choice.
This may be old news to some – perhaps many of you – but here goes. I was chewing the cud with Keith a few weeks ago and he told me that he was able to get a good signal using his old Orange sim. Well, a few weeks previously, I got a message from Virgin Mobile, which uses the T-Mobile network, to the effect that I could now use the Orange network too. Yea, lo and behold, I now have five bars as I step out my front door on Ramsay Road! Vodafone was never that good.
So what this boils down to is that armed with an Orange, T-Mobile or Virgin phone, or any others with access to the Orange network, you get a sound 2G signal over much of Leadhills and Wanlockhead.
It would seem that when dealing with Vodafone with regard to their poor performance over recent months, a mention of the competition might be called for. Vodafone users now have some leverage.