Come Gala day, we are always at the mercy of the elements. This year did not disappoint – depending on your point of view. Despite a dousing, most of the day’s festivities passed off successfully and the kids seemed to enjoy themselves – that’s a result in my book.
But do spare a thought for what goes into Gala, the raw effort needed to make Gala happen and why so much input is needed to make it work. The fund raising events, meetings, planning, bookings, catering, baking, “gophering” and general donkey work runs to hundreds, perhaps thousands of people hours. Gala is for our community, by our community – and do count Wanlockhead in this, having put in just as much as Leadhills.
On that note, here’s a small taste of some of that effort. Around forty people from Leadhills and Wanlockhead spent around three hours on Friday afternoon, getting the field ready for Gala. This short video illustrates two hours of that – in five and a half minutes.
A Leadhills Gala Gallery would be good – can you offer any nice pics and/or videos? Get in touch here and we’ll see what we can come up with.
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